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Different (autebärg)
I hocke gmüetlech ire Gartebeitz
U d Sunne schynt für mi
I ha gnueg Zyt u chly Stutz im Sack
U ds Frölein sitzt grad näbe mir
I ha guet g ässe u ha ke Durscht meh
U chönnt doch z friede sy
Wär da nid eine choo
Är wüssi weder uus no y
Är het verzellt gäge Staat, het uusgrüeft über d Schmier
Het sech ufgregt abem ganze Salat
Und überhoupt, syg's schlimm hie

Da chunnt mis chlyne Ching zu mir a Tisch
Mit em Lache ufem Gsicht
Fragt: "chani es Glace ha?"
U villicht wüssi no n e gueti Gschicht?
I ha nid lang studiert u ihm verzellt
Är syg der Märliprinz
Är sig so starch wie der He-man
U scho morn, ghöri ihm die ganzi Wäut
Und i ha dänkt a die giftegi Luft, und AIDS isch mir i Sinn cho
Und i ha gwüsst, es ligt Chrieg i der Luft
Und überhoupts isch es schlimm hie

When i saw you walking down the street
And a strange man on your arm
You were kissing and laughing around
Is it this, what you were looking for?
Then i saw you hanging at the Bar
And all of you were drunk
You were fooling and joking around
Is it this, you were looking for?
I remember the days, we were together and happy too
I remember the nights, we were flying in the same sky

You must be living
Living in a different World
You must be living
Living in a different time
You must be living
Living in a different time
You must be living
Living on a different star

You must be living in a different world
You must be living in different town
You must be living in different time
So far away from mine

You must be living in a different time
Living in a different world
Are you believing in a different star
You know you're much to far

Are you believing in a different God
Are you believing in a different World
Are you believing in a different Live
So far away from mine

Are you believing in a different time
Are you living in a different town
You must be living on a different star
You know you're much too far

C&A Rohrer Daniel
IPI 00072 97 75 37
001611 353 07
